Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Death of Ivan Ilych

   The Death of Ivan Ilych begins at the end of the story. The story is not told chronologically to create an intimate view of the social surroundings. It creates an unnatural mask for the members of Ivan's society. The story impedes human connection through materialism. 

   There is a contrasting value between death and morality. Death is more a subject of discussion. There is an unwillingness to consider death to comfort one's morality. Because of this, members are unable to comprehend the meaning of their own death. The members unintentionally have no understanding of the meaning of life. 

   He had choose his friends based on social standards and the ranking of the the person. He married because in his words, "it was the right thing to do". Ivan had always had that drive to become something more. He was a bit of a sociopath. He had that drive and nothing was going to stop him. Because of his drive it allowed me to question his true meaning of life. I believe by moving toward the light and the higher conduct to the opinions of the upper class, he is moving toward the flame that will eventually burn him alive.

respice finem-"look to the end"
    -focus on the outcome
    -warning for a man traveling down the wrong path (death)

*Ivan is closing himself off from everything... Including life itself...


1 comment:

  1. So, in modeling is life after others, "he is moving toward the flame that will eventually burn him alive." I like the metaphor, though it makes me wonder if see you him as somehow responsible for his fatal illness?
